Thursday, June 7, 2012

Random: Let the underdogs do it

Oklahoma City Thunder has finally made it big.

I used to love the Lakers, because Kobe Bryant was an unstoppable force. I loved the fact that they were big, that they were one of the key teams that made the NBA. We all love being in the heat of the action, and the same goes for watching something. You want to be a part of what people know and love. They were exciting to watch. But after realizing they were overrated (and unethical at points), I switched sides.

OKC was the underdog back then, and I cheered for them, in hopes that they would show the Lakers how to play basketball.

And they did.

Two years ago, they were a young team with inexperienced players that were quick-learners. They were swift and agile, with fresh moves and a hunger for winning. They made it into the playoffs in 2010, with their first round up against the Lakers, who turned out to be the Champions in 2010. Last year, they made it to the conference finals but lost to Dallas.

Today, they are the Western Conference champions that came a long way to make history and waiting to go into the heat of the Finals once the Eastern conference ends.

We all love an underdog story, be it the kid from the village who made it as an Olympian, the team that made it to the champions despite losing all games off-season and your regular school dropout becoming the CEO of a big company. Against all odds, the underdogs make it work. We read these inspirational stories and they give us hope, that putting up a fight with all your might is going to pull you through somehow, if you put in enough.

The truth is, everyone else knows that goals have to be worked towards. Without even having to watch or read about an underdog, we all know we have to wait months or even years for results to show along with all the blood, sweat, and tears you shed for this dream to become a reality. We want to make our big break one fine day and prove it to the haters that it isn't impossible after all.

But we all love an underdog story because at some point it represents yourself, as it does for me. I'm sure there are times we feel like we're at the bottom of it all and hope we'll make it big. There's nothing wrong with that. That's probably what hundreds and thousands of people feel like everyday.

Learning about that story is like an instant perk-me-up. It's like coffee to your mornings, and feeling like you're going to nail it, FINALLY.

I'm glad the Thunders made it. It gives me hope that sheer hard work is going to get me somewhere.

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