From top: Random shot of my feet while out travelling to the Daft Punk show at Weewaa,
awesome dance floor at the Daft Punk party, my lovely friend, Xuan and I at Frankston Beach.
awesome dance floor at the Daft Punk party, my lovely friend, Xuan and I at Frankston Beach.
It's been almost a month since I've written anything here or fill it with the posts I usually do so forgive me if you were looking for something else. Same usual reason as it always is, school's a real chore at some point but I guess it's worthwhile when your work is so much more appreciated. Melbourne has been opening a lot of doors for me, a brand new train of thought, a new zest for life, a new drive, a new goal, a new high - it's nailed almost everything I had in mind.
You know, the thing is when you make it to the places you never dared to dream of, it's a wonderful, wonderful feeling. It's like surfacing to air when you've been trapped underwater for as long as you can imagine. It's that oddity, all that fear and eagerness curled up in a ball within you, for you to get something out of your system. You're about to cave in or could have possibly drowned. You're waiting for the time, for something to take over and here comes that breath of fresh air to save you from it all. Nothing beats it. You're alive again. But it doesn't just stop there - which is the real beauty of it.
Just like swimming, you head back down into the water, only to find more; more things to excite you and add value to your life. Then you surface for more air to realize what a feeling that was, taking mental notes to improve on the next time your head goes back in and surfaces for another breath again, ultimately swimming towards your end point. It's definitely a tiring process; but extremely rewarding.
As they always say - it's the journey that matters and I think it does.
I never felt so much love for one place, so much to work doubly hard to stay. I've never wanted anything more in my life. But I know the day I always feared will ultimately come; that I'll have to head home and miss this place and what it has given to me.
But that's just life throwing lemons at you isn't it? I just hope I'll be back with better news though.